GCh. Britannia Knock Your Spots Off, RE (Fergie)
Ch Britannia Ticket to Ride X Ch Cameron’s Earth Angel
DOB: 12/15/07
For years we have worked wih Michele Ritter and Chet Jezierski of Britannia Bearded Collies and what GREAT friends they have become. When Michele told me about the collaboration with Kelly Canham-Tonkin of Cameron Bearded Collies, with the breeding of frozen Spot semen to Aggie, to say the least we were interested. Fergie is everything we ever wanted in a Bearded Collie and more. She has attitude, correct structure, type and moves with grace and ground covering ease. She is our girl that will play ball all day long! She has reproduced beautiful offspring with the movement that we strive for. Fergie is always owner/handled and has multiple group placements as well as specialty placements. We are proud to have her with us!!!
Fergie Lounging at a dog show! Life is ruff!!!
Fergie loves to herd!!
My baby girl at her first National!